- City Owned land, if available - the city owns commercial and industrial zoned lots in the industrial park that are available at reduced prices. City owned land in the NW area of the city that is zoned residential is available for development. This city owned land opportunities may be at low or no cost.
- Housing Property Tax Refund - refunds for 5 years, up to $5,000.00 (Property Tax Refund Program) - click on the link for information. This is for new builds only, and available to homeowner or builder/developer.
- Waive certain fees - 100% of Utility hook-up fee and 50% of street breakup fee.
- Reduced or free utilities: The City of Pelican Rapids operates its own sewer and water systems, and the costs of these utilities can be decreased or eliminated for a period of 1-year for new, first-time residential homeownership, or builds a new home on an undeveloped lot, in Pelican Rapids.
- Free Swimming Pool membership - 2-years (seasons) of free family membership to the city’s outdoor swimming pool to any family that is a first-time homeowner or builds a new home on an undeveloped lot in Pelican Rapids.
- Deferred Assessment on Utility Service – On residential lots with large street frontages that can be split into a developable lot, the city will install utility service lines from the main lines to the curb stops and defer the assessment on the resulting undeveloped lot until the lot is developed or for a period of 7 years, whichever occurs first.
Development Resources:
- Tax Increment Financing
- Tax Abatement
- More Coming Soon!