Discussions are in process between the cities of Pelican Rapids & Perham, Otter Tail County, MNDOT, and the DNR. We are early on in the process. No specific route has been identified. A state bonding bill application has been submitted by Otter Tail county and the cities to help cover the cost of the trail. More information will come later.

ON Monday, December 16, 2013 at 7 pm there is a public information meeting scheduled. It will be at Lake Region Electric Coop, 1401 S Broadway, Pelican Rapids. Another meeting will be held in Perham on Tuesday, December 17, 2013 at 7 pm. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for the public to hear about the project and give input/feedback.
ON Monday, February 10, 2014 at 7 pm there is a public information meeting scheduled. It will be at Lake Region Electric Coop, 1401 S Broadway, Pelican Rapids. Another meeting will be held in Perham on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 7 pm. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for the public to hear about the project and give input/feedback.
In planning stage. As a part of the process to get any State bonding funds for a trail a feasibility study is needed. Otter Tail County has hired SRP Consulting to complete the study. There have been two public open house gatherings at Lake Region Electric with very positive comments and feedback from the community.
The planned trail needs a name. If you have any ideas for a trail name please email them to [email protected].
Update 11-6-2015: Otter Tail County submitted an application to have the trail designated a "Regionally Significant Trail". The trail was selected and designated as such. This designation should help with state funding efforts. Otter Tail County has placed the trail project on the State's capital funding request list for FY's 2016 and 2018. If state funding is approved further trail development will happen. There may even be some construction!
Update 3-16-2017. County is applying for DNR Regional Trail grant funding to do work on trail right-of-way acquisition along County Highway 3.
Update 3-01-2018. Otter Tail County (OTC) has received a grant to work on establishing the corridor for the trail along County Highway 3. OTC continues to apply for additional grant and bonding funds to continue work on the trail.
Update 7-17-2018. OTC is in the process of applying for grant funding for the Pelican Rapids to Perham Regional Trail - Phase Two Project from the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission. This Phase of the overall Pelican Rapids to Perham Regional Trail system will run from along the east side of US TH 59 from the existing trail coming south out of Pelican Rapids to CSAH 3.